Our boys along with a couple pals, participated in FUN hockey the past couple months. They had so much fun, our boys are back in it come January. Ry was the coach and somehow suckered Darryl to team up with him. It was a great way to get the kids skating and learning beginner hockey skills. Although Caleb managed to spend alot of time flat on his belly crying he claims it was the most fun every. Have a look and see what skilled hockey players we have!!! hee hee....
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
We Wish You a Merry Christmas!
Well we are right into the festivities at our place! Tonight we had all the Grandparents over for supper and off to enjoy a Christmas Eve Service at my parents church. Each year Burnett Fellowship does a "Christmas Eve" service on Dec. 23rd. They have this service to accomadate families who have traditions or rotate family gatherings etc. They still have services on Christmas Eve but this extra one really works for us as we rotate Christmas eve and Christmas day between the Keatings and Douglas each year. The service was really fun, they had all the children come to the front and lead us all in christmas carols then their children's Pastor read a story to all the children at the front. Then the Pastor of the church spoke as well. The entire service was modern with video enhancments and great music. The kids all received goodie bags at the end. It was really fun!
Now we are all ready, wrapped and prepared to enjoy our families as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus! Merry Christmas Everyone.
Now we are all ready, wrapped and prepared to enjoy our families as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus! Merry Christmas Everyone.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Only 6 more Days til Christmas
In one week we will be enjoying our Christmas Morning together, how exciting!!! I can't believe only 6 days to go. We have had many moments of holiday fun already and look forward to even more to come.

Josh made this at school, he was so proud he wanted a picture of himself with it, he then took pictures of Abby with his gingerbread house and a whole whack more of his creation on its own. Aren't digital camera GREAT!

These were the kids picks.....a bit too soon to cut these wee ones down though!

Josh made this at school, he was so proud he wanted a picture of himself with it, he then took pictures of Abby with his gingerbread house and a whole whack more of his creation on its own. Aren't digital camera GREAT!

These were the kids picks.....a bit too soon to cut these wee ones down though!
We ventured to the tree farm two weeks ago to pick out our tree! It was lots of fun, even though poor Josh was super sick, he was a trooper!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I'm officially 2!

Abby had her big day on Sunday, it was very eventful! The power went out three times during her party. The first time had kids stranded in the basement, Auntie Natalie and Jacob upstairs and the rest of us in the main living area off to rescue those in the dark! The girls were screaming downstairs it was quite comical. After hunting down the candles and matches in the dark we were able to rescue all those in need. So we had a party by candle light, it was very exciting. Thankfully the meal was all cooked and we were able to eat and continue on with the festivities. Not only was this a special day because Abby was born 2 years ago we chose to have her dedicated on this day as well. We had all four grandparents pray for Abby each one contributed very special words and prayer for different areas in her life. My mom and dad wrote a song for her which I think I recorded I will try and get it on here, it was very beautiful! The Aunts and Uncles all shared something special with Abby about God a verse, prayer, or story. Josh and Caleb each chose a verse that they wanted to tell their sister. It was very sweet. We had lots of fun and we think Abby did too. We put her to bed that night and she yelled from her crib the toys she was wanting to play with b-huggy, Dor-da which resulted in a long cry, that girl was up til 11pm she was so wired.
Monday, November 27, 2006
It's Beginning to look alot like Christmas!

I think it is fair to say some love it others hate it! I stand on the love side. I think everyone in our house does! We have enjoyed all the fun that snow brings, the kids play til they can't feel their hands (which doesnt' take too long) come in get warm and head out for more adventures in the snow. Here is a look into our winter wonderland at our place.

Monday, November 20, 2006
Life with a Girl!

When Abby has a plan you don't mess with it. Last week she was so busy creating and playing with her dolls, it occupied her for over an hour. She took out every pan from the drawer and turned them into beds for her dolls. The center of her village was the Nativity scene she had found and brought out as well. It was very cute!

The boys saw the fun but had a twist to the idea of playing with the pans! The pans were taken from their sister and brought into the garage where they formed their "Garage Band". When asked what a garage band is, josh replied "When you are the band and you play in the garage with the door open so everyone can hear you!" We had a variation....in the garage but with the door down! Josh is the drummer, Caleb is lead vocals, I am not quite sure what Abby's part is but apparently she is in the band. There is talk of adding new members, David was pleading his case to his cousin on the weekend "You know me and Connor have a band and I am a pretty good singer". I will let ya know what the "garage band" decides. Garage band practice often takes place Monday - Friday from 4-5pm.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Alphabet Song
This is not for well mannered people....
This surprised me and Ryan the other day and we figured although not the most polite, we figured it was none the less a talent! Therefore we decided to film it and share it with all of you. So here is our Talented 6 year old Josh!
This surprised me and Ryan the other day and we figured although not the most polite, we figured it was none the less a talent! Therefore we decided to film it and share it with all of you. So here is our Talented 6 year old Josh!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Our NEW Nephew!

Finally he has arrived!!! Jacob Marc Douglas was born November 11 at 1:34am!!!! He weighed in at 7lbs 6oz, 21in! He is OH SO cute! Natalie and Marc are both beaming and our super proud of their new addition to their family. So far he is the quietest baby I have ever heard, just peaceful and content with being in his mommy's arms!

We took our kids today to meet their baby cousin and they loved him instantly. Especially Abby, she was ready to push me and Natalie out of the way and take over! This two year old is pretty excited to have her own baby! Good thing her Auntie is good at sharing...hee hee. It is amazing to see the difference between boys and girls! Abby was ready to hold him snuggle and kiss him content to sit for as long as we would let her, the entire time pushing my arm away from baby Jacob wanting to do it all by herself, she kinda figured out that I was actually holding him.

Caleb held him next while Abby cried in disbelief that she had to share her new little cousin. Caleb lasted about a minute and was ready to pass him off to Josh.

Josh sat and co-held his cuz for a whopping minute and a half, and then suggested that his sister do the holding. Unfortunately we aren't as good at sharing as Auntie Nat Ry and I wanted a turn to hold the little guy!
We had a great visit with Jacob and left a very tired mommy, daddy and baby to get some sleep!
Good Job Auntie and Unlce, we LOVE our new Cousin Jacob!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Caleb and the Lord's Prayer

As we were walking home for preschool today, Caleb was singing me some songs it started with 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed followed by 5 little monkeys swinging in a tree. Then the best was his version of the Lord's Prayer which he told me he has been learning at Wee College!
Here it is:
Our Father who works in Heaven hallowed be my name,
Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Hallowed be my name in heaven, Hallowed be my name in heaven
and that is all!
we will keep working on that, but he is pretty insistant that one that first line!!!
Our Father who works in Heaven hallowed be my name,
Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Hallowed be my name in heaven, Hallowed be my name in heaven
and that is all!
we will keep working on that, but he is pretty insistant that one that first line!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
we had Luke Skywalker
A Tiger!
Off for our trick or treating....
here is most of our gang!
Aidan aka Curious George, Baby Ben aka Pumpkin, Connor aka the Bat,
David aka Obi won kenobi, Caleb the Tiger, Abby is behind there aka Elmo, Emily B aka elephant, Big Ben aka green monster, Emilee aka Super Emma, Josh aka Luke Skywalker.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Girl Time!
Not sure if you all remember the last time I had the girls.....there was lots of POO involved! So today I had the pleasure of having the two girls all to myself so I figured I should make a better memory for myself! We did manicures! They both sat so well, and were very pleased with their pretty nails.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Maybe it should be Top 20 things NOT to say!
Well my fellow past, present and possibly one day pregnant people! Your contributions have not gone unoticed! Reading your comments just bring me back to the days of pregancy, which when you add all three up were alot! So I thought I should post the add ons: Here are 10-15!
10. When a mother is on bedrest do not tell her "it will all be worth it in the end"...believe me I KNOW!!! But it doesn't make it any easier untill the baby arrives!!
11. I would love to be able to lay around all day, I wish my dr. would prescribe me to be on bedrest."
12. sharing stories of women they knew who gave birth on their kitchen floors, cars! Is that not the craziest thing you can tell a woman about to give birth?
13. asking an unexpecting woman if she is pregnant...another BAD question. Just DON'T ask that one at all!!!
14. looking at someone from behind and saying they could definitely tell you are pregnant. )qoute from miss tiny Cara Lee)"I actually had a couple of people comment on my size...this is a big NO NO!!"
15. Not bad you just have a couple of stretch marks there hey!
10. When a mother is on bedrest do not tell her "it will all be worth it in the end"...believe me I KNOW!!! But it doesn't make it any easier untill the baby arrives!!
11. I would love to be able to lay around all day, I wish my dr. would prescribe me to be on bedrest."
12. sharing stories of women they knew who gave birth on their kitchen floors, cars! Is that not the craziest thing you can tell a woman about to give birth?
13. asking an unexpecting woman if she is pregnant...another BAD question. Just DON'T ask that one at all!!!
14. looking at someone from behind and saying they could definitely tell you are pregnant. )qoute from miss tiny Cara Lee)"I actually had a couple of people comment on my size...this is a big NO NO!!"
15. Not bad you just have a couple of stretch marks there hey!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Top ten things NOT to say to a pregnant women

As most of you know Natalie (sister in law) is pregnant with her first baby! We are very excited. Unfortunately she has not had the easiest or most enjoyable pregnancy. Actually she has had a completely HORRIBLE pregnancy starting with a cycst the size of an orange, cramping, kidney stones followed by an irratable uterus which means continuous contractions, to complete bed rest to possible medical intervention, to overnight stays in the hospital and really the list could go on and on! Nat will finally be 35weeks on wednesday but as she has hit the 30 week mark there has been many a times we have thought this is it here comes the baby. This past weekend was a perfect example all the indicators that would tell a pregnant mom that I am finally ready and it is time to go to the hospital! But just like every pregnant mom (well most of them) she gets sent back home as it is not time, more progress needs to happen. Right now for all of you detail orientated people Nat is completely effaced and 1cm dialated. So Nat continues to lay in bed fight through the pain and wait for the day her baby is ready to come and meet all of us! Thinking about her really had me thinking of the worst things you can ask a pregnant women!! In the picture above our friend Carissa is with Nat she is pregnant too due in March!!! And we have another close friend Janelle who is due in december! So we are surrounded by them and it wasn't so long ago that I was one of them and had all the annoying, ridiculous comments made by everyone you can imagine. So for all of you pregnant women this is for you!!!
Top ten things to not say to a pregnant women:
1. Unless you know for certain someone is close to their due date of over due never say Oh you look like you are ready to POP!
2. I love how you look when you are pregnant you are glowing your face is full and round.
3. Commenting on the belly size....this is just dangerous. Wow you're belly is so tiny(that can freak a mom out about her baby being too small), or one from my own personal experience Are you sure you don't have twins in there?
4. No one ever told you being pregnant was going to be easy did they?
5. (an expecting mom expresses how big they feel) Don't worry you are eating for two or Wow you sure do have a big appetite.
6. Phoning your expectant friend daily to see if there is any change when close to baby's due date. (avoid the question phone with distractions mom's get so sick of talking about what may happen they are anticipating 100 times more then you)
7. You look tired.
8. I can see you have that maternity mask ( for those that don't know what this is, it is the wonderful blotchy skin that one can get when pregnant or right after)
9. Strangers, just don't go up to pregant people and rub their bellies it just isn't right!
10. Wow you must be having a boy you are carrying it all around, in other words you have a big butt!!!
Hope this little list will help all!
Way to go Ladies, we already have three additions to the list (see comments) feel free to add to this top ten in the comments!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Isn't that what Family is for?

As most of you know our brother got married a couple weeks ago, and with that special occasion we got to see all of our out of town family. It was great to catch up with them, spend time with them and of course put them to work:) Really what else do you do? Our dads are our go to guys when things break down in our house, if Ry is unable to solve the problem we don't call the electrician, plumber or carpet guy we call one of our Dads! Lucky for us we had extra reinforcments because my Uncle Ray was staying with my parents and they were summoned to f

can put in them, while experimenting she chose a small toy to flush and it worked but was stuck in the bottom of the toliet. What a girl! Well thanks Dad and Uncle Ray for fixing the problem and Ryan too!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My dear friend Lana Davidson is currently in Costa Rica! She has chosen to travel these many miles with a servant heart. Lana has felt called into the mission field for many years and has gone on short term trips but this trip is different. She has left all she knows and ventured with only the bags she could carry to a new country to fulfill her calling she has committed herself to one year. Lana has so much to offer as she has many years experience working in the medical field at Children's Hospital (nuclear medicine), the amazing thing is although Lana has these medical talents God is using her for her strengths he has blessed her with, PRAYER! Lana has been praying for the Cabecar people specifically which are in a village close to where she is living!
Lana is having the experience of a lifetime and anyone who is interested can be part, she has a blog and you can check it out anytime I have it on my links "Lana in Costa Rica" here is the site http://thelcdwatch.blogspot.com/
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Joshua Ryan
I had to have a long talk with Josh the other day. We were discussing the importance of responsibility and making sure you make the "good" choices when given any responsibility. Of course I used the story of his cousins and a unfortunate error of their ways, while sent to wait at the bridge for their mom who was only a few seconds behind them, they choose to venture further on down the creek. It only took Cara Lee 10minutes (yes that is a long time) or so to find them, but once she did she had a similar discussion with her boys. I was trying to use this example to help Josh understand. Anyhow I had told Josh their consequence to making this choice was they were no longer allowed to run ahead from Auntie when they are walking. He asked me a series of questions like, so no more races, do they have to hold onto the stroller, and on he went. I steered him back on topic of him and his choices and making sure he is a responsible boy. He knew his consequence was coming so he stopped me and said you know mom I thin that a good consequence for me is that I shouldn't be able to run ahead, ya you can take running away I am ok with that. Yes and on goes the life of Joshua Ryan Douglas, who's mother has banned him from running, yup only in his dreams!!!!
I had to have a long talk with Josh the other day. We were discussing the importance of responsibility and making sure you make the "good" choices when given any responsibility. Of course I used the story of his cousins and a unfortunate error of their ways, while sent to wait at the bridge for their mom who was only a few seconds behind them, they choose to venture further on down the creek. It only took Cara Lee 10minutes (yes that is a long time) or so to find them, but once she did she had a similar discussion with her boys. I was trying to use this example to help Josh understand. Anyhow I had told Josh their consequence to making this choice was they were no longer allowed to run ahead from Auntie when they are walking. He asked me a series of questions like, so no more races, do they have to hold onto the stroller, and on he went. I steered him back on topic of him and his choices and making sure he is a responsible boy. He knew his consequence was coming so he stopped me and said you know mom I thin that a good consequence for me is that I shouldn't be able to run ahead, ya you can take running away I am ok with that. Yes and on goes the life of Joshua Ryan Douglas, who's mother has banned him from running, yup only in his dreams!!!!
Caleb Jackson
If you want to get to know Caleb on a more personal level....DRIVE WITH HIM! You can ask his Auntie and Uncle they know best as every time he seems to be in a car with them he has a variety of suggestions for them to help improve their driving abilities. Ryan and I don't get to experience this commentary from him as he knows we are the "perfect" drivers, but we do get to here about other cars if they are passing us, as Caleb is all about winning and while in the car we are in a race of course. Makes you wonder hey, where does he get this competitive edge from? Me and Ry can't figure it out!

If you want to get to know Caleb on a more personal level....DRIVE WITH HIM! You can ask his Auntie and Uncle they know best as every time he seems to be in a car with them he has a variety of suggestions for them to help improve their driving abilities. Ryan and I don't get to experience this commentary from him as he knows we are the "perfect" drivers, but we do get to here about other cars if they are passing us, as Caleb is all about winning and while in the car we are in a race of course. Makes you wonder hey, where does he get this competitive edge from? Me and Ry can't figure it out!

Then there is our little Princess! Auntie Nat asked me today if I notice a difference between the boys and Abby? Where do I start? Well she does like the star wars action figures but they are more likely to be seen having their face washed or being fed. She does like playing hockey but oh my goodness she has more attitude then anyone I have met. The best way to describe Abby is Miss Independent. She knows what she wants and how to get it, she is a women on a mission and watch out if you get in her way! But she really is cute ! She does have her first crush though, she is smitten with our friend Steve Kater! There are not too many people she will leave mom for but at the sight of Steve she will push, kick and wiggle her way away from me to get to him in a heartbeat! Steve you are a lucky man!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Toast or is it Roast to the Groom!
Cara Lee and I worked really hard on our toast for Shane, and to our BIG disappointment the sound didn't work on our file when it came time, so I have put together a little something in honor of our toast!! Enjoy the sound:)))) Sorry it is a bit long.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I was just reading Cara Lee and David's blog and admiring the cute pics of Emily and Abby! While the girls are at Cara Lee's they have cute little teaparties, dress up in princess costumes, wear jewlery.... it made me think back to my kodak moment of the girls today at my house!!! The only sad thing is I dont have the actual picture to show, so I will have to paint one for you!
It all started today All four boys are at school, so me and Cara Lee thought what a great time to sit down and have the girls play while we chat. It started out great! Emily was all excited to go upstairs and play with Abby so the two ventured on their own to the top floor of the house. Great time for us! We heard a couple squawks, nothing too major, BUT then a loud thump followed by a wail from Abby! I figured I better go check, I hopped up began to climb the stairs as I reach the final two steps I take in a deep breath glance around me and all I can see is brown marks on the floor accompanied by the most obnoxious aroma!!! Of course I scream! And yell to my sister I think Emily just pooed all over the floor(she is the middle of potty training so was roaming around kinda free).....Oh wait though it gets worse.... remember I haven't seen the girls yet. As I dodge the brown markings on the carpet I hop skip and jump towards my bedroom, to find two girls one looking sweet, cute with blonde little ringlets the other looking sweet, cute, but naked with brown rubbings all over her legs and belly! I love my neice sooo much but unfortunately at this particular moment all I could do is run the other way and try not to toss my cookies. After a few good deep breaths of fresh air found only at the nearest window, I was able to tackle the situation at hand! Cara Lee grabbed Emily threw her in the bath, while Abby commentated ewwww, gwosss, ucky, ewwwww, neenky throughout the entire clean up process! Well needless to say all is clean here at the douglas household once again!
The best thing was telling our germ-a-phobic son what had gone on while he was at school.....Oh man now you can just begin to imagine that reaction....trust me it was pricless!!!!
It all started today All four boys are at school, so me and Cara Lee thought what a great time to sit down and have the girls play while we chat. It started out great! Emily was all excited to go upstairs and play with Abby so the two ventured on their own to the top floor of the house. Great time for us! We heard a couple squawks, nothing too major, BUT then a loud thump followed by a wail from Abby! I figured I better go check, I hopped up began to climb the stairs as I reach the final two steps I take in a deep breath glance around me and all I can see is brown marks on the floor accompanied by the most obnoxious aroma!!! Of course I scream! And yell to my sister I think Emily just pooed all over the floor(she is the middle of potty training so was roaming around kinda free).....Oh wait though it gets worse.... remember I haven't seen the girls yet. As I dodge the brown markings on the carpet I hop skip and jump towards my bedroom, to find two girls one looking sweet, cute with blonde little ringlets the other looking sweet, cute, but naked with brown rubbings all over her legs and belly! I love my neice sooo much but unfortunately at this particular moment all I could do is run the other way and try not to toss my cookies. After a few good deep breaths of fresh air found only at the nearest window, I was able to tackle the situation at hand! Cara Lee grabbed Emily threw her in the bath, while Abby commentated ewwww, gwosss, ucky, ewwwww, neenky throughout the entire clean up process! Well needless to say all is clean here at the douglas household once again!
The best thing was telling our germ-a-phobic son what had gone on while he was at school.....Oh man now you can just begin to imagine that reaction....trust me it was pricless!!!!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A big Talk
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bubble Mania
The other night we had one of those fun priviledges of having all three of the cousins over for the evening minus the mom and dad! It really is a priviledge because no matter how crazy or loud it is, there is always so much fun to be had. We had a great night full of silliness. The highlight of the night was bubble mania. I promised them that I would make a bath that had more bubbles then water. I think I was successful. The lesson I learned though was when doing this it makes it very slippery, hard on the eyes (the sting factor) and lastly almost impossible not to ingest bubbles.
Thanks for making the night so fun, Zosh, Vabid, Nonnor, Cayzeb, Emiwee and Zabbee!
The other night we had one of those fun priviledges of having all three of the cousins over for the evening minus the mom and dad! It really is a priviledge because no matter how crazy or loud it is, there is always so much fun to be had. We had a great night full of silliness. The highlight of the night was bubble mania. I promised them that I would make a bath that had more bubbles then water. I think I was successful. The lesson I learned though was when doing this it makes it very slippery, hard on the eyes (the sting factor) and lastly almost impossible not to ingest bubbles.
Thanks for making the night so fun, Zosh, Vabid, Nonnor, Cayzeb, Emiwee and Zabbee!
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