Monday, April 28, 2008


I had to race over to the computer as I disguise my laughter with ah and amazement. This is a bit detailed but so worth sharing. Caleb is in the bathroom and has been there for awhile, so I was quite concerned Josh heard me asking him "detailed" questions about his bathroom visit thus far as I walked by Josh he informed me "you know that is called condensation", my reply was "huh?" Josh repeats "What Caleb has it is called condensation"....ahhh the poorly disguised look of amazement that Josh would know such a word is questioned with, "mom why are you laughing?" hee hee don't' worry I will go tell him the truth....

Another funny word mix up:
As we were driving home from church yesterday Abby was singing in the van "how-a-will, how-a-will, how-a-will, how-a-will-ya, Crazy the Lord! Crazy the Lord, how-a-will-ya, Crazy the Lord, How-a-will-ya, Crazy the Lord, how-a-will-ya, Craaaaazy the Lord.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008