Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here Comes Santa Claus!

Here is a look at our visits with Santa! We went all the way to Canada Place to visit him and to mail our letters in the GIANT Canada Post mailbox.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Kid Carpenters has two items for sale!

The first one is a fabulous coat rack (just a little dirty) made from Maple Ridge's finest forest wood. We are taking offers please email Josh and David at or

The second item is two fabulous shelves and/or book holders. Again we are open to offers the email addresses are above.

Thank you for shopping at Kid Carpenter's. This is from David and Josh founders and presidents of the company.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I 'll Be honest with you I love Jesus but...hey it thins the blood!

My mom sent this clip to me and I have been laughing hysterically at it. If you have a few minutes and need a laugh you should watch it!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our #1 Test is your #2....

This was funny! A close friend and relative sent this to us in hopes to inspire the "movement" we needed from Josh last week. I nearly died laughing!!!
Had to share it!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Road to Recovery!

I have evidence that all are feeling better! I just took a bunch of pictures and just the fact that they are moving around instead of laying in bed is testament enough!

Last night was the first night in I guess two weeks that everyone has slept through the night. Oh what a great sleep it was. Today has been so much better. There have been a few big tummy aches but with the medicine we have been able to keep it all under control. We have a pretty plain diet for Abby and Caleb but I think today they may graduate from liquids and jello to soup and crackers!

Josh is completely 100% which is great to see after seeing him SO sick! We are praying for a fast and full recovery for Abby and Caleb as well. But if you saw them right now you would think they are there. We will see how tonight goes, it seems to be the true test!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mystery Solved

After our HORRIBLE night last night we packed up Caleb and Abby this morning and brought them to see our very respected GP. I am SO glad we did. Not only do we now have the proper medicine to alleviate the pain the kids are in we also now know the answer to the mystery illness that has infected our house. It is called Mesenteric Adenitis what is this you ask let me tell you. Mesenteric adenitis is a self-limited inflammatory process that affects the mesenteric lymph nodes in the right lower quadrant. Its clinical presentation mimics that of acute appendicitis. Until recently, the diagnosis was most frequently made when laparotomy performed to assess presumed appendicitis yielded negative findings; now, cross-sectional imaging is routinely applied in the examination of patients. Why or where do they get this? Mesenteric adenitis is most frequently caused by viral pathogens.

So now after blood work on both Abby and Caleb, 5 xrays for Caleb and filling all the prescriptions we are home. Ready to knock them out with the medicine and get some SLEEP!

Double Whammy

Well we thought we were over the toughest part of the illness I mean really how could it get any worse then the other day? Oh let me tell you. Last night Ryan was working again so I got the kids all settled in two out of three isn't bad. Caleb was just having a terrible time all evening with stomach pain. Ryan came home and we devised a plan to maximise our sleep. I was going to take the first shift he the second. Off he went to bed and Caleb continued to roll in pain every 15-25 minutes. I lasted until 2am. I ran upstairs to trade and found Abby sleeping in our bed with Ryan which means she must of been up and fussing as well. We switched and not more the 5 minutes later Abby wakes up and is complaining of a stomach ache. My night continued the same as the first half every 30minutes with her needing consoling and her tummy rubbed because it hurt. From 2-7:30am that is what I did. Finally at 7:30 it was time to get up, I got Josh ready for school conversed briefly with Ryan and his night was the same. Both kids are quiet right now but I know it won't last. We are gonna try and see our doctor today, but I fear there is nothing she can do to help.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I have go to share with you all the events of our household last night. Some of you may know that on Monday night Abby started to complain of a stomach ache and Ryan and I thought oh man here we go again. She had a bad night but in the morning she had perked up so off to school she went. All three kids actually at school this hasn't happened in a week!
After school Emily came over to play the girls had a great time, towards the end of the playdate Abby started to fade. She was back to complaining of a stomach ache again. We distracted her for a bit, as I was playing with her and Emily and having a nice tea party with delicious imaginary muffins.....Abby lost her "muffins" all over me! Thus bringing the playtime and teaparty to an end.
Abby still not well, was sitting on my lap at the kitchen table. I just finished my soup and her body began to rumble and she declared she had to cough (her code word) and yet again more "muffins" land perfectly in my soup bowl. Josh was so not impressed beggin and pleading for us to remove the bowl of course we did it just couldn't be fast enough for him. At this point Ryan had to leave for work. He had the boys vow to be good and go to bed quickly and quietly tonight. We began our bedtime routine at 7pm boys had a bath, I held Abby, boys got their Jammies on, I held Abby boys brushed their teeth Abby shared those "muffins" again! I got that all cleaned up tucked the boys in and retreated with Abby downstairs to lay on the couch. She was beginning to get a incredibly heavy to lug around. While we were downstairs Caleb shouted out "my tummy hurts" He did this on three different occasions and finally I brought Abby upstairs with me to check on him. What we found was a very pale little boy who was about to lose his "muffins"! I put Abby in her bed and told her I needed to help Caleb. At this point I went from Caleb's room to Abby's room in 5 minutes intervals. No "muffins" were shared. After doing this for about an hour. Caleb fell asleep. Abby did not and sure enough the rumbles began and the declaration of her needing to "cough" and tadaaa "muffin". Cleaned up and back downstairs we went, Hmm do we see a pattern here?
Ryan came home. Saw the state of the house and knew something was not right. I shared with him my evening and really all we could do was laugh. I made a pack with him I said I will continue to deal with kids until 11:30pm then I pass the torch and whatever happens I leave to you. I told him you never know everyone could just was worth the gamble for me. Unfortunately for Ryan it paid off. Ryan so graciously cleaned up the dinner dishes and took the dog out. Meanwhile I FINALLY got Abby to her bed and she was apparently staying. PHew off to bed I go. Not more then 15minutes later Caleb wakes up. It was exactly 11:45pm. Ryan dashed into his room and tried to console him but all he wanted was his Mommy! Ryan brought him into our bed. His stomach was turning and he was in pain. Really when the other two were sick I was there to look after them just because Caleb's sick time fell on the shift change I couldn't not help him. It took about 25minutes and then Ryan made him an offer he liked. Down to the basement they went to sleep. And off to sleep I went. Around 5:00am I could woke up in a start, there was banging and rummaging going on. I actually thought oh great we are being robbed. I got up Ryan is not there, but I remember quickly he and Caleb are sleeping in the basement. I figure ok it is up to me to deal with the burglar. As I creep out my door, I see Ryan. He is banging around the washing machine. I ask him what is going on. He proceeded to tell me Caleb lost his "muffins" all over him and the couch. Ryan is pretty certain the two of them got about an hours sleep.
Ryan is off to work now, and Caleb is upstairs sleeping. So today only one out of the three douglas kids are at school.

Lets pray we don't have any more "muffins" today!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

We have had an eventful week at the Douglas household. On Friday Josh woke up looking pretty green so we had him stay in bed, an hour later he was looking pretty good and so off to school he went. Later that day he began to complain of a stomach ache and became more and more lethargic. I began to think here we go another bout of the flu. We went through the night with him waking up with a bad abdominal pains and gave him gravol to help, as we thought for sure he was going to be sick. He slept on and off and the next morning was in the same state. Around noon I was beginning to wonder why my son was still rolling around in pain clutching his tummy. We talked to our doctor who encouraged us to take him to the hospital. And off we went to Maple Ridge Hospital. My first choice was Children's but the traffic on Saturday was insane and it would of taken us hours to get there and given the pain poor Josh was in we went to the closest place for help. We arrived in emergency and saw a doctor he figured Josh just needed to go the bathroom, but took an xray just in case. After the xray came back he did not get the results he had hoped and thus opening a whole spectrum of possible problems. The poking and prodding began with many needles, scans and tests. This leading to a pediatrician Dr. Hewes now managing our case. After no conclusive results still a surgeon was now being consulted for his expertise and we were being admitted to the peds ward in hopes to help with the pain. Josh needed demerol to manage the pain he was in.
Appendicitis, Constipation, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, mononucleosis, Irritable bowel syndrome, and giardiasis intussusception (telescoping of part of the intestine into another part) were some of the illnesses being tested for, there were even more these were just a few.
We ended up being in the hospital from Saturday to Wednesday on Wednesday we were able to come home but still no answer to the mystery of what is causing the pain.
Josh is still having some abdominal pain but not as bad as before. We are waiting for him to go to the bathroom and hopefully once this occurs we will know more about what has caused this. Unfortunately the doctor has said we may never know the answer to this mystery. Josh is still working on increasing his appetite and getting consecutive hours of sleep. He is pretty pale and really sick and tired of taking medicine.
Thank you for your prayers and support!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Ballerina by day Monkey by night!

all the cousins.

wait one more cousin Abby's matching Monkey!!

Happy Halloween

Here are our Trick or Treaters - Ballerina, Anakin Skywalker and Spidey himself!

We had a great time this year! Our little crew of friends all gathered and ran the streets of Albion together. After they exhausted their little legs we all met up at the Buzza's and had a some hot chocolate, a warm fire to roast marshmallows and some sparklers for the kids!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bounty For Boot

Josh was playing in the mud hill across from our house on Sunday and came back in bare feet. Of course we told him this was not acceptable and sent him back in his bare feet to find his boots. He only came back with one.....grrrr. After deciding it would be easier for me to go and look then the one shoed child I did just that. I searched for over an hour, in all the puddles and muck I even got the rake from the garage and sludged it through the clay mounds. NOTHING! Therefore anyone who brings me the missing boot....I will pay $5!! Good Luck.

For Auntie Lil:)

Well it has been awhile again.....I think it really reflects the way our life is these days, non stop going going going. Auntie Lil emailed me and asked if the blog was still alive, and the answer is YES IT IS! I am going to do some catch up!

Today Abby had her Halloween Party at preschool better known as "pretty school" as she calls it. Of course I had an adorable monkey costume all lined up until our doorbell rang yesterday with a special delivery from Auntie Natalie. Auntie Natalie had been out shopping and came across something that made her think of Abby, and really I have to agree it is totally ABBY! See she is constantly doing these "ballet" dances for all and you have to agree that this is the ULTIMATE ballerina outfit. I think she is still on board to wear her monkey costume for Halloween is really cute too!!!!

(don't worry she had tights and a tshirt
on underneath for school today)
On thanksgiving day we had a family feast at Nana and Papa's which started off at the pumpkin patch. We had loads of fun, feeding the animals and picking our pumpkins.

Monday, September 17, 2007

School Days

I can start by saying WOW I haven't blogged in a long while....there is good reason. September came and life turned into a marathon. We have not stopped since the first day back to school. Between school, church, sports and any other event that occurs we really have had no time left.

The kids have adjusted to their early mornings. Josh is enjoying grade 2 with his new teacher although, his class seems to have some challenges lets just say there are a bouquet of behaviours in his class. Caleb is soooo excited about kindergarten and his class seems to be adapting well to this new experience. Abby too is thrilled to be in Preschool or as she calls it "Pretty- School". All is well in the Douglas household. The boys are both in soccer and hockey which is twice a week. As well Wee College and Good news Bears are fast approaching in October!

Last night we celebrated CaraLee's 34th birthday and went out for Gelato, there is a fantastic place in downtown Maple Ridge all of the flavors are so yummy. I would have to recommend the Mango it was delicious. Anyhow while we were there Josh found a $5 bill. He was excited, shocked and proud of his findings. This left me with a bit of a question....what do you do? I couldn't think fast on my feet and Ryan wasn't there so I gave him a quick phone call to deliberate. He had a fast solution that I thought was wise. We had Josh turn in the money and when he did the lady at the counter told him to keep it. A great reward for being honest in reporting something that doesn't belong to you. So Josh is pretty proud of his new found money. Here is where it gets interesting. Josh leaves every morning for school and often has something on him that we aren't aware of, usually it is his adored pokemon cards. Today it was his $5 bill. When I was picking up Josh I could see him in his classroom and he looked like he was up to no good, I could see the mischievous look in his eyes. He spotted me and the look of guilt was very evident he rushed over to tell me he had just made this great purchase. He talked to a boy in his class and came up with this "deal"! He gave the boy his $5 for all of this boys pokemon cards, quite the stack probably 10 packs. If you know anything about pokemon cards they are expensive, 5-6$ a pack. If you could of just seen Josh's face his eyes were wide, salivating over these cards all within seconds of seeing me, once I was in view his plans were crushed. I ran in and returned the cards then had a long talk about how we don't bring money to school. I think my face was some shade of red at this point, my cardshark 7 year old wheelin and dealin in the school yard. I can only begin to imagine how powerful Josh feels with that $5 bill burning a hole in his pocket. We are going to have to make some life lesson out of this one!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Kids from the Hood!

These are so cute Uncle David snapped these ones, but it pretty much summarizes the usual activity at their house the back lane is home to many hockey games!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Days!

Loving the summers days being outside, hotdogs and freezies are the staples in our diet!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wasp Nest Update

Me and the kids were out all day enjoying the sunshine as we were driving home Ryan phoned to give us a warning. His exact words were "when you come home make sure you pull in the garage and shut the door right behind you." Odd request isn't it? The Wasp Man was at our neighbors taking care of the GIGANTIC nest and warned us that once he treats this the wasps can become aggressive and swarm and attack. YIKES! You will all be pleased to know we made it in the house without being attacked and are safely inside.

Crosby Loves to Play and Cuddle!

Here is our new puppy. He is lots of fun and LOTS of work. When we get through the biting stage I will be happy. I can handle the accidents and feeding and bathroom trips and walks those are all great but the biting hurts! He is just trying to play he isn't trying to hurt we know this much:)

Anyhow he sure loves wrestling with his sister! Crosby has the blue tag and black collar and is on the left.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Most Gigantic Wasp Nest EVER!

I was outside today and my neighbor called me over and said Tawny you have to see this. As I looked up I couldn't believe my eyes! On Sunday when the car drove through their garage, a fireman that was inspecting to make sure everything was ok structurally happened to notice the ENORMOUS wasps nest that was in the peak of their house. The pictures don't do it justice the thing is HUGE. Someone is coming to remove it tomorrow I believe, you gotta know I will be watching it will provide some good entertainment seeing them deal with this thing!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Watch out for that House.

When we pulled up to our house after church today something looked different. A few of my neighbors were all standing in the driveway of the house next to us. I thought oh maybe there all just talking not too sure? As I got closer I saw what they were all talking about!!!

When we first arrived no police, firetrucks or ambulance were there, they were just being phoned so we only missed this by minutes...CRAZY. Within the next 10 minutes there were two firetrucks, a rescue truck, an ambulance and two police cars at the scene.

My one neighbor saw the whole thing, he said the red car was going to turn around (our street is a dead end very quiet) he saw her go up over the curb at which time she began accelerating. My brother's car is parked across the street from our house (he is at the Mariners baseball game with Ryan) once the red car came off the curb she swerved to miss Shane's car which put her in the direction of our tree, she proceeded with speed to hit the tree knock it over and crash into our neighbors garage. Our house is the yellow and white one. Our neighbor was home but thought something must of fallen in the kitchen and didn't think twice he had people ringing his doorbell and phoning him. He was pretty surprised.

Usually or van is here like in the picture above and our neighbors van is typically where the wood is laying. Thankfully neither of our vans were there at the time of the accident.

You can see where the top of the tree landed down the side of our house. What a mess. Thankfully no one was hurt, a car was smooshed, a garage door smashed in, a tree decapitated and sprinkler crushed to pieces.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Time to go to the Dentist!

On Friday Abby had her VERY first dentist appointment. I was a bit worried as to how she would react but impressed me and the dentist with how cooperative she was.

She brought along one of her best bears, (for those who don't know Abby has two cherished bears named Abby and Emmy) who also got a checkup by Abby herself with the dentist assisting.

This dentist is the best place ever it has trains that run along tracks just below the ceiling, as well as a great play area right beside the dentist chair so that while your child is waiting they can play to their hearts content.

Josh was a great patient as well he was getting sealants (sp) put on his new back molars. Caleb was along for the ride he and Josh had been the week before and both are cavity free!