Thursday, November 15, 2007

Double Whammy

Well we thought we were over the toughest part of the illness I mean really how could it get any worse then the other day? Oh let me tell you. Last night Ryan was working again so I got the kids all settled in two out of three isn't bad. Caleb was just having a terrible time all evening with stomach pain. Ryan came home and we devised a plan to maximise our sleep. I was going to take the first shift he the second. Off he went to bed and Caleb continued to roll in pain every 15-25 minutes. I lasted until 2am. I ran upstairs to trade and found Abby sleeping in our bed with Ryan which means she must of been up and fussing as well. We switched and not more the 5 minutes later Abby wakes up and is complaining of a stomach ache. My night continued the same as the first half every 30minutes with her needing consoling and her tummy rubbed because it hurt. From 2-7:30am that is what I did. Finally at 7:30 it was time to get up, I got Josh ready for school conversed briefly with Ryan and his night was the same. Both kids are quiet right now but I know it won't last. We are gonna try and see our doctor today, but I fear there is nothing she can do to help.

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