Well it has been awhile again.....I think it really reflects the way our life is these days, non stop going going going. Auntie Lil emailed me and asked if the blog was still alive, and the answer is YES IT IS! I am going to do some catch up!
Today Abby had her Halloween Party at preschool better known as "pretty school" as she calls it. Of course I had an adorable monkey costume all lined up until our doorbell rang yesterday with a special delivery from Auntie Natalie. Auntie Natalie had been out shopping and came across something that made her think of Abby, and really I have to agree it is totally ABBY! See she is constantly doing these "ballet" dances for all and you have to agree that this is the ULTIMATE ballerina outfit. I think she is still on board to wear her monkey costume for Halloween though....it is really cute too!!!!
(don't worry she had tights and a tshirt
on underneath for school today)
On thanksgiving day we had a family feast at Nana and Papa's which started off at the pumpkin patch. We had loads of fun, feeding the animals and picking our pumpkins. 

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