Thursday, October 26, 2006

Girl Time!

Not sure if you all remember the last time I had the girls.....there was lots of POO involved! So today I had the pleasure of having the two girls all to myself so I figured I should make a better memory for myself! We did manicures! They both sat so well, and were very pleased with their pretty nails.


The Douglas Family said...

I think in North America a girls first manicure is considered a right of passage!

Anonymous said...

How cute are they? They sure are starting on this 'female' road awfully young, though.

Caroline said...

Hi Tawny,
Cute pictures! I discovered your blog through Lana's and addicted to reading blogs all over again ;0)
Here's the link to our's as I don't think I have it set up correctly to just click on my name.

Caroline said...

Hi Tawny,
Got your comment on our blog, thank you.

Were you downstairs on Sunday? I was in the nursery.

Did you got to Just 4 Me last night? Up until supper time, I was going to go, but had to pass. We're going away on Wednesday and Chris is working like mad trying to get things ready with the truck (suv) and such, will explain later.

I'll give you my email next time I see ya. We'll miss church on Sunday (5th) as that's the day we get back from our road trip (Osoyoos, Kelowna, Kamloops) visiting my grandparents and parents. Probably see you on Sunday the 12th.

Bye for now