As most of you know Natalie (sister in law) is pregnant with her first baby! We are very excited. Unfortunately she has not had the easiest or most enjoyable pregnancy. Actually she has had a completely HORRIBLE pregnancy starting with a cycst the size of an orange, cramping, kidney stones followed by an irratable uterus which means continuous contractions, to complete bed rest to possible medical intervention, to overnight stays in the hospital and really the list could go on and on! Nat will finally be 35weeks on wednesday but as she has hit the 30 week mark there has been many a times we have thought this is it here comes the baby. This past weekend was a perfect example all the indicators that would tell a pregnant mom that I am finally ready and it is time to go to the hospital! But just like every pregnant mom (well most of them) she gets sent back home as it is not time, more progress needs to happen. Right now for all of you detail orientated people Nat is completely effaced and 1cm dialated. So Nat continues to lay in bed fight through the pain and wait for the day her baby is ready to come and meet all of us! Thinking about her really had me thinking of the worst things you can ask a pregnant women!! In the picture above our friend Carissa is with Nat she is pregnant too due in March!!! And we have another close friend Janelle who is due in december! So we are surrounded by them and it wasn't so long ago that I was one of them and had all the annoying, ridiculous comments made by everyone you can imagine. So for all of you pregnant women this is for you!!!
Top ten things to not say to a pregnant women:
1. Unless you know for certain someone is close to their due date of over due never say Oh you look like you are ready to POP!
2. I love how you look when you are pregnant you are glowing your face is full and round.
3. Commenting on the belly size....this is just dangerous. Wow you're belly is so tiny(that can freak a mom out about her baby being too small), or one from my own personal experience Are you sure you don't have twins in there?
4. No one ever told you being pregnant was going to be easy did they?
5. (an expecting mom expresses how big they feel) Don't worry you are eating for two or Wow you sure do have a big appetite.
6. Phoning your expectant friend daily to see if there is any change when close to baby's due date. (avoid the question phone with distractions mom's get so sick of talking about what may happen they are anticipating 100 times more then you)
7. You look tired.
8. I can see you have that maternity mask ( for those that don't know what this is, it is the wonderful blotchy skin that one can get when pregnant or right after)
9. Strangers, just don't go up to pregant people and rub their bellies it just isn't right!
10. Wow you must be having a boy you are carrying it all around, in other words you have a big butt!!!
Hope this little list will help all!
Way to go Ladies, we already have three additions to the list (see comments) feel free to add to this top ten in the comments!
That is sooo funny, but oh sooo true. Can I add one more, as I have got this one a few times... When a mother is on bedrest do not tell her "it will all be worth it in the end"...believe me I KNOW!!! But it doesn't make it any easier untill the baby arrives!!
Just thought of one more no no comment... "I would love to be able to lay around all day, I wish my dr. would prescribe me to be on bedrest."
hehehe I've already experienced a few of those too...the tired one and the you didn't think pregnancy is easy.
I could probably add a few more, but it may get me into trouble.
The worst one for me was people sharing stories of women they knew who gave birth on their kitchen floors, cars, ect. This gave me tremendous nightmares as well as anxiety!! Is that not the craziest thing you can tell a woman about to give birth? And i have to tell you i was very P O when baby 3 did not pop out 20 min after i got to the hospital like everyone tells you or WARNS you....what a joke! Good luck Nat and Carissa, love you guys, and you too T this has been great venting:)
The absolute worst for me was when someone looked at me from behind and said they could definitely tell I was pregnant. I actually had a couple of people comment on my size...this is a big NO NO!!
I have also been present when people have asked an unexpecting woman if she is pregnant...another BAD question. Just DON'T ask that one at all!!!
Isn't it amazing what people say!!!
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