WuHoo We Are All Moved In!
The Day has finally come and we are in our new house. This Saturday we had friends and family help us load up and unpack into our new home. They were so wonderful and helped out sooooo much, thanks guys! My dad fixed up a few things that the building inspector had pointed out so the house is as good as new! The rest of the grandparents were so helpful with babysitting for us, it allowed us to get everything done on the weekend. The rest of you that helped were unbelievable thank you just doesn't say
enough. We have had three sleeps here so far, it has been great. We have had a few funny moments discovering the new house though. Yesterday morning we woke up freezing couldn't figure out why it was so cold, turns out one of the kids had discovered the furnace switch on the wall and shut off the furnace, man that was cold. Monday afternoon the kids were in the basement playing and I was upstairs cooking dinner all of the sudden one by one the lights started to go out. I couldn't figure out what was going on until I heard this click, giggle giggle, click giggle giggle. Josh had found the electrical box downstairs. Now if you know Josh and his fascination with being electrocuted you would see the irony. You should of seen his face when I explained the severity of what he was doing and
how dangerous it was...Trust me it was priceless. I don't think he will ever touch the electrical box again let alone go in the bedroom where it is. The next thing is a funny one for me....Just take into consideration I do have some blonde in my hair. When we bought the house we probably had it pointed out to us a gazillion times that the appliances were upgraded, obviously a typical realtor selling feature. So this dishwasher had some high expectations placed on it. Well last night I was ready to test it out for the first time, it was all loaded up detergent in place I closed the door and hit the normal wash cycle and off it went. I was soooo impressed, it was the quietest dishwasher I had ever not heard. This morning when I woke up I was so impressed by this dishwasher that I felt the need to point out to Ryan how stinkin quiet it was I went on and on about how I could not even hear it not at all. Well guess what people...Turns out this fancy dishwasher is a little bit more high tech then I thoug
ht. So high tech in fact that apparently I hadn't even turned it on. Yup that is right it was so quiet it wasn't' even running. Am I smooth or what. Not only do you have to hit the cycle you want but there is even a start button. Yup the blonde in my hair is really showing now.OH I almost forgot the most disgusting, horrific positively revolting task I had to do. You see the previous owners had a dog a rather large dog, and well it turns out that the back yard was this dogs pride! I have NEVER seen so much CRAP in my life. The kids were dying to play on there new playground so I figured I should scan the area to make sure it was safe first and OH MY WORD, the wh
ole yard was covered in POO! As I am cleaning up the doggie doo doo I am gasping and telling Josh that this is going to make me puke. He simply states "Mom I think you should let Daddy do this." I think Josh was right I really should of because that was so gross. All I can say is it may be a bit longer before we get a dog after all! If Ryan had to clean that I am thinking a dog would not be in our future , EVER!We are loving our new house and can't wait for anyone who hasn't seen it to come on over for a visit!
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