Kids and their Phases
Why is it that when your kids are in the middle of whatever phase it may be that it feels like there is no end? We definitely have gone through some pretty interesting phases but yet we always seem to do just that, go through them. Both Caleb and Josh have had their moments.
Josh's most memorable phase would have to be the "Crazy Germ Man" one. There was a span of 8-10months where he was completely obsessed with getting his hands dirty. He would not eat with out having a cloth by his side, he was constantly asking "if I touch this with my hands can I still eat this", and the hand patting together routine to get rid of excess germs. Now if you were able to see Josh before this phase you would of known how completely opposite this really was. This is all coming from the boy who picked up dog poo when he was 2, when eating had food all over his face and hands, and his whole motto was the dirtier the better. So now you can see why we were beginning to wonder what was going on. Of course looking back I can now see that "Crazy Germ Man" was one of Josh's many phases. His most recent behavior was not getting himself dressed. I am SOOOOOO pleased to announce that this phase looks like it is fading. All week he has been more than willing to do EVERYTHING himself. His philosophy is that in doing this everyone will think he is a 6 year old, and trust me it is working by all of us his disguise as a 6 year old is working.
Now Caleb's phases aren't quite as dramatic but yet are still very memorable. One of his phases I remember the most is his "Sneaky Man" phase. This boy could disappear in seconds, thankfully most time it happened at home. Although there has been two incidents in the mall, blocking doors off to hunt down the missing child who of course was hiding happily in the clothes rack. At home it was always a lot more destructive I would blink he would be gone. Most times he would just be off playing quietly by himself on other occasions he would be in adventure mode. Adventure mode typically meant sitting in the kitchen sink, climbing on top of the kitchen counter, searching the cupboards emptying the oatmeal all over the kitchen floor, putting all the extra toilet paper rolls into the toilet, or a true favorite dropping toys down the vent in his bedroom. Now these things didn't' just happen once they happened several times. As awful as these things sound I could handle it cause at least I could find him. The WORST "Sneaky Man" incident was one afternoon the phone rang I answered it, it was no longer than a 5 minute conversation and of course when I hung up Caleb was no where to be found. After searching the house for 10 minutes yelling for him at the top of my lungs, panic set in. I checked every dangerous spot you can imagine, I checked all the doors and windows making sure he didn't' get out but still no sign. Than I figured he must of gotten out. I went up and down our street calling and calling. I was terrified, ran to the neighbors with poor Josh behind me trying to keep up. As I am standing there knocking on their door I keep thinking I can't leave the house what if he is hurt, so I run back leaving Josh standing at their door knocking. I did one more top to bottom check of the house and there behind the door of the playroom is our little red head playing with his cars. So after finding him I than had to retrieve my other son from my neighbors door where he was still standing all alone. Good think I only had two kids at that time, I was pregnant with Abby when that happened. Thank the Lord that phase has passed. His latest phase is screaming at his brother when he is mad. I did not know he could be this loud or has that much to say when he is angry. We are continually working on it and we all know that this too will pass!
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