Yesterday consisted of more candy than I realized existed. Both boys had Halloween party's at school filled with treats upon treats. Sounds like they had fun, Josh went to school as the Cat in the Hat and Caleb was a Lion. When I picked Josh up from school he was so excited about all the costumes he had seen and highlighted his favorites, we picked Caleb up and he did the same, than we ventured to the grocery store to pick up a couple things. While we were at the store I noticed a drastic change in Josh. He went from non stop talking to complete silence and his color completely gone, he was white as a ghost. I hustled through the store and got back in the van as soon as we could. On our drive home I was told "Mom I am going to barf up" I pulled into the driveway and got him out as fast as I could. Nothing happened. I brought him in and got him settled in our bed with a bowl just in case, and than went to bring the rest of the crew in. By the time we got back inside it had happened, Josh had barfed up, some in the bowl but most of it on my bed! The poor guy, the rest of his afternoon consisted of more of the same. Of course any talk about trick or treating and he was confident he would make it. As the evening approached we headed over to David, Connor and Emily's for trick or treating our buddy Ben met us there and all the kids even Josh trick or treated for almost 2 hours. They had a blast and Josh was a trooper despite his poor stomach he was determined to trick or treat and he did. The mommy's hung out and greeted other trick or treaters and the daddy's toured the neighborhood with a whole crew of characters. Last night we sent out a chicken aka Abby, a Lion aka Caleb and Luke Skywalker aka Josh and they were accompanied by a teenage mutant ninja turtle aka Ben, a jaguar aka David, a caterpillar aka Connor and a bumble bee aka Emily.
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