Well it has been at least 6 months and Josh is still strongly wrapped up in his passion of Star Wars. Yesterday as some of you may know Return of the Sith came out on video. Now we have not let Josh watch the newer Star Wars movies he is still a bit too young, but he has watched the older ones, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and his favorite Return of the Jedi. As I was putting him to bed last night we could hear this strange sound, I looked at Josh and he was wide eyed. With that look we both made the connection to the strange sound we were hearing, it was the sound of a lightsaber battle. He asked "Why on earph is that sound coming down here?" I told him that Uncle Shane had got the new Star Wars movie the one about Darth Vader. Josh's reply "Oh my goodness can you even believe that Episode III is on upstairs right now, I can't even believe it. Mom can you you believe you are old enough to watch Episode III?" He sat there so content trying to listen for battles, he did ask though why is there no talking? I told him I would go ask Auntie Becky and Uncle Shane to turn it up for him. With that I tucked him in and he blissfully fell asleep to the tune of lightsabers crashing together.
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