Tonight we were getting things ready for Abby's birthday party on Monday. It is her birthday TODAY! She is officially 1 year old. I can't believe it was only a year ago we met her for the first time. I can remember the day still all to well...The painful parts are hard to forget! Abby was born at 6:25pm November 26, 2004. It was a Friday and she had me busy the whole day at the hospital. We were there just before 9am, and it felt like it took forever to get things rollin. We feel very blessed to have her in our family now.

Okay but back to tonight, the boys decided to help me make abby's birthday cake. They were super helpful! When it came time to clean up Caleb definitely took the cake...hee hee. He couldn't get enough of the batter.

Now Josh on the other hand....I think the sugar got to him. He kept leaving the kitchen to return in some unusual costumes....As you can see. Ryan and I have never laughed so hard. Gotta love him!