Halloween Festivities

Tonight we went on a bit of an adventure! Auntie Natalie and Uncle Marc came over with Linden to eat supper and than we planned to go over to the maple ridge fair ground to check out "Ghost Ridge". As we were eating supper Caleb was talking about the "haunted house" that would be there and how much he will like it and how he can't wait to go in. See a few weeks ago when we were at ikea there was a little "haunted house" thing we were able to go in. I had all three kids by myself, Josh really wanted to go in and Caleb stated he did too. We get there and Caleb totally froze would not go in. I had one child who was sooo excited to go and the other who would not even move towards the display oh ya and a baby who could care less about all of it but that I had to carry leaving my hands pretty occupied. So after many deal proposals and negotiating tactics all of which were failing miserably the lady there from unicef swooped in to the rescue, she offered to have Caleb stay at the gate with her. Now normally Caleb is a bit shy but faced with his choices he chose to stick it out with the stranger. Josh, Abby and I went through the display as Caleb stood beside this sweet little old lady. Now back to tonight. Caleb is going on and on about the "haunted house" and how wonderful it all is. Anyhow we all left and hoped in the van of course on the way there we were entertained by Linden and his rendition of the American Anthem and O Canada. The highlight of our drive was Linden describing what Douglas Men voices sounds like. He started by mentioning how Ryan and Marc sound so much alike, we all agreed but than he continued to say "it is that sound you know, they all sound like they are talking with their nose plugged, all the Douglas men sound like that." Of course Ryan was ready to pull over and make Linden walk the rest of the way unless he recanted. Soon enough we made it to the fair grounds. We entered a cute little display full of pumpkins and scarecrows and a couple benches made of of hay it was really cute. Than at the back of the barn was the "haunted house". Josh could not wait to go through. And yes you guessed it Caleb was stuck in his tracks not ready to budge one step closer towards it. My negotiating and other tactics set into play and this time I was successful and Caleb moved very cautiously towards the entrance. He took two steps in and a person dressed up in a wolf like costume was there to greet him, you can imagine that was a favorite moment for him, but he did make it through the display holding onto his mommy for dear life, but he made it through. Josh and Linden went through oh about 10 times and were chasing the people dressed up in there. Caleb and I hung out and did crafts outside, and they all got to fish for a special treat before we left. On our car ride home we asked them if they had fun and sure enough Caleb started talking about how wonderful the "haunted house" was! Funny funny boy:)
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