Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Back to the Grind

We are in day three of our routine, back to school! The first morning was HORRIBLE! We were late getting up and no one was in fast mode. One out of three was not cooperating. You must think well one out of three isn't bad...let me tell you all it takes is one to throw the whole thing down the toilet. Our lovely eldest Josh was in no mood for school. After dragging him from his bed peeling his clothes off and attempting to put his clothes on his limp body we were still on time with everything and I thought would make it to school for 8:30. Breakfast was out the window as it was too late but we can make that time up in the car I just pack a to go breakfast. Once Ryan was ready to drive the boys to school Josh lost it. He went into full tempertantrum mode. Now I have to say we have not seen this side of him in a long time, thinking you know he is five now he should be done with those. Well it appears that they do rear their ugly heads every now and again. So you could say they are far and few between but when they do come RUN FOR COVER! This fit proceeded all the way to the car, I am sure every neighbor was peering out their window wondering what the racket was. I can here the comments now "Oh look at that child, what a little brat." or "Those parents sure don't know how to handle their kids." Now every parent realizes these comments only come from those who don't have children or have not had young children in the last 15 or so years. Once Ryan finally strapped him in the car ( I imagine he wanted to strap him to the car) it was already 8:35. Ry decided to drop Caleb off at preschool first, than make his way to Josh's school. Finally they arrived at his school at 9:00, Josh has another moment getting out of the car! Ryan calms him down and they walk into his class to find no one there! Great not only are they late but now they have to hunt down the class. They go to the office to get their pink slip, and are directed towards the assembly, when they start walking towards the gym they can see all the classes are being dismissed so they head back to Josh's class, but still no one around. Now they go back to the gym and finally find his class, there was a sing-along, so Ryan wiggled Josh through the rows and got him with his class. I am sure at this point Ryan just ran and never looked back. And that was the first day back!
I will say that day two was better and today was much better, but it is not to say that "crazy" josh won't rear his ugly head again....But at least we have a while before it happens again!

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