Abby is now 11 months old well a couple days shy of being so! And she is growing like a weed. We wondered when she would jump on the mobile bus and she finally did at 10 months and has been cruising around every since. She is starting to pull herself up and her legs are getting stronger and stronger so it is very possible she may be walking by her first birthday. She has a whopping six teeth, four of which she had come in all at the same time...Of course her cranky fits were about 2 minutes long a day instead of the one minute. She is such a happy baby. Don't get me wrong she lets her opinions be known but overall she is one content chick! Along with her amazing acrobat like skills she is starting to communicate with us all. Of course we consider it full sentences but others claim it is more like ma ma and da da, but what do they know right? She can wave hi and bye, and blow a friendly kiss to those of her liking and is always ready for mean game of peek a boo! She is completely in love with her little bear and will not sleep with out it...we even had to "borrow" her cuz Emers twin bear so we could have a back up for emergencies. Like I said she knows how to make her opinions known.
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