Last Sunday we took all the boys swimming left the girls (Abby and Emily) with the grandparents and took the four cousins to the Leisure Center. As you know from my bloggin, I can always count on the Maple Ridge Leisure Center for a good time! Well we did have a good time, we swam, we froze, the warm pool was closed as was the slide but we still had fun a few waterfall dunks, but I survived! But the funniest thing was said as we were getting ready to go. We were looking for a family room for all the boys to go in to get changed we found one, and as we walked in we all noticed it really stunk! The four boys congregated at the shower and I was about to turn the water on for them, as I asked "do you guys smell poo?" They agreed and we thought hmmm this is REALLY disgusting. To my relief it wasn't any of them, as I scouted around I spotted the garbage can and it had a disgusting full diaper in it. I explained to the boys "don't worry there is no free range poo anywhere it is contained" but oh MAN did it stink. We removed the garbage can from the room but it didn't help so we decided to change rooms as we were leaving that room Connor said to me "ya that was probably ours" I said " Oh no buddy it was from someone who had a diaper it isn't us" he confirmed with me " No Auntie we were here last week and Emily had a really stinky diaper, I think that was ours" I nearly died laughing. At this point both Buzza boys held their heads in disgust with their sister or maybe it was with their parents, Man can you believe them leaving a poopy diaper in the garbage can for a whole week!
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