How lucky are we, we get to have two Christmas Celebrations. Marc and Nat are off to the UK for Christmas so we had an early celebration with the Douglas clan this past weekend. We started off our holiday at Seymour mountain for some tabogganing(sp). I was a bit nervous at first I have not been in years, but after a few runs it was all good. Although I did get Nat pretty good one time in putting my feet down early, she got a refreshing spray of snow...oops! I still say we were gonna go through the fence! The kids h

ad fun too. After our fun in the snow we went to Nana and Papa's house for a yummy soup supper and games. That night Josh and Caleb wrote a letter to Santa with their Auntie Natalie, explaining the circumstances. Left carrots and cook

ies, and some oatmeal glitter out on the deck so the reindeer would find there way! We slept over that night, and the boys woke up the next morning very excited as Jolly Ol'St Nick did find his way after all. We had a great Christmas Day, with Nana and the boys acting out the Christmas story with a paper dolls! And of course way too many presents! We ended with a Christmas feast! It was tons of fun. Now this weekend we get to do it all over again, how perfect is that. I think this could be every kids dream, two Christmas.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

1 comment:
Tawny, you are so beautiful!!!!
and you passed your gorgeous genes down to your wonderful little girl too!!!
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