Well folks look no further, two future NHL'ers stand before you. Today was the last day of skating lessons. Wuhoo, actually I can't complain at all it was Ryan who took them each Friday while I was working. Josh was in formal lessons and Caleb and daddy were out to skate.
Some of you may know the rough start we had to this whole skating lesson thing this year. If you don't I will give you the short version! On Josh's first lesson(of this year) he was asked to leave the class 10 minutes in, and join the pr

imary one level (he was in primary two). There was other issues there with how they handled it but hey after a bunch of p

hone calls and a strong letter I think they know how we felt. Regardless Josh had fun with it and didn't seem to notice the shuffle. He passed his Primary One class! Way to go Josh. He is a very cautious skater, which is so funny because he was always so fearless he has changed so much when he was four I am telling you a whole new personality came now that he is 5 1/2 we are finally getting use to this new person. The one thing his teaching did not check off was "skates with speed" which gave us a good chuckle because you will never see anyone more turtle like then our Josh. Gotta love him!

Now as for Caleb, the boy has speed! He will jump on the ice stick in hand and move about freely with confidence. Today I saw him playing pass with his dad on the ice, it was way too cute. Of course Caleb insists on having a good brawl with his dad too, drop your gloves and stick and go for it! The only problem here is this little guy fades fast. You get about 15-20 max minutes out of him and then he is done. But we think that is pretty good for now, especially at 3 1/2yrs old. I think Caleb is definitely ready for some lessons and will thrive on the teacher interaction. But I think you have to be four so we will see what we can do in the New Year.
1 comment:
Boy, does that bring back memories!!! Joshie sounds just like his dad. Have hope - it did eventually click in!!
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