Every year the douglas clan gather at Christmas time! It is a time for the cousins kids to play and visit with the aunts and uncles and hang out with your cousins. This year Ryan and I decided to spice it up with some games...cause if you know ry and me we love games. The aunts took care of the food and WOW it was delish. Uncle Phil bbq'd a roast that was heavenly, and trust me there was enough food to feed the whole neighborhood. Our version of Christmas jeopardy was won by Suzy and Alex...They were good! Rumor has it Suzy was studying all night for this one! It paid off she was on fire. Alex you were no slouch either. The best part was Ry had them all come up with there individual buzz in sound which were honk honk, dong, and hey! Trust me it was hilarious. Our evening also included a surprise visit from Santa himself, he had almost all the kids roped in, until Josh says oh that's not Santa that's Papa Jim, Santa has glasses.....cause that's the difference between Jim and Santa...glasses come on I know you were all thinking the same thing its the glasses:)

We also had a game of which Parent and Child know each other best, its along the lines of the newlywed game. Tracey and her ma flew away with that one....Ryan and his mom tied with Auntie Gail and Kathleen. Maybe next year guys!

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