Saturday, December 31, 2005
Old video clip!
ps man he really grew into his lips hey...holy cow his lips were big!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Douglas Annual Christmas Party
We also had a game of which Parent and Child know each other best, its along the lines of the newlywed game. Tracey and her ma flew away with that one....Ryan and his mom tied with Auntie Gail and Kathleen. Maybe next year guys!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
We woke up the next morning to Josh "mommy daddy its Christmas its Christmas, oh hold on a second I will be right back" before I could adjust my eyes to an awaken state he returned "ok I am dressed lets go downstairs". We had a few stall tactics but they only got us so far. Once our kids saw that Santa had come they were bouncing with excitement. Our tradition (passed on from Ryan's parents) is that the stockings are hidden around the house, so the first job of the morning is to begin the stocking hunt. So the boys did just that. The morning was full of the reading of the Jesus Birth, gift opening and breakfast. We had to wake our little princess up at 10am, she hasn't been feeling all that great she had a bad cold, and has been sleeping quite late. We woke her and she had some catching up to do with her gifts, but her brothers were very capable aids. After we finished our morning we headed over to grandma and grandpa's for more Christmas fun. We had the same fun festivities there accompanied with an amazing dinner mom made. It was delicious. Christmas Day is my moms birthday, I always feel bad for her having to cook this huge meal on her birthday, but she never complains. And trust me the feast was grand and delicious. We had a competitive game of Rumoli that night....of which I was of no threat, I borrowed more then I ever won. Don't even remember who was declared the winner...Maybe Sharon, Becky or Cara Lee. We had a terrific day with family.
Friday, December 23, 2005
A sweet moment:)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
One Christmas Down and Another to GO!
How lucky are we, we get to have two Christmas Celebrations. Marc and Nat are off to the UK for Christmas so we had an early celebration with the Douglas clan this past weekend. We started off our holiday at Seymour mountain for some tabogganing(sp). I was a bit nervous at first I have not been in years, but after a few runs it was all good. Although I did get Nat pretty good one time in putting my feet down early, she got a refreshing spray of snow...oops! I still say we were gonna go through the fence! The kids had fun too. After our fun in the snow we went to Nana and Papa's house for a yummy soup supper and games. That night Josh and Caleb wrote a letter to Santa with their Auntie Natalie, explaining the circumstances. Left carrots and cookies, and some oatmeal glitter out on the deck so the reindeer would find there way! We slept over that night, and the boys woke up the next morning very excited as Jolly Ol'St Nick did find his way after all. We had a great Christmas Day, with Nana and the boys acting out the Christmas story with a paper dolls! And of course way too many presents! We ended with a Christmas feast! It was tons of fun. Now this weekend we get to do it all over again, how perfect is that. I think this could be every kids dream, two Christmas.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Friday, December 16, 2005
The Future of the NHL
Some of you may know the rough start we had to this whole skating lesson thing this year. If you don't I will give you the short version! On Josh's first lesson(of this year) he was asked to leave the class 10 minutes in, and join the primary one level (he was in primary two). There was other issues there with how they handled it but hey after a bunch of phone calls and a strong letter I think they know how we felt. Regardless Josh had fun with it and didn't seem to notice the shuffle. He passed his Primary One class! Way to go Josh. He is a very cautious skater, which is so funny because he was always so fearless he has changed so much when he was four I am telling you a whole new personality came now that he is 5 1/2 we are finally getting use to this new person. The one thing his teaching did not check off was "skates with speed" which gave us a good chuckle because you will never see anyone more turtle like then our Josh. Gotta love him!
Now as for Caleb, the boy has speed! He will jump on the ice stick in hand and move about freely with confidence. Today I saw him playing pass with his dad on the ice, it was way too cute. Of course Caleb insists on having a good brawl with his dad too, drop your gloves and stick and go for it! The only problem here is this little guy fades fast. You get about 15-20 max minutes out of him and then he is done. But we think that is pretty good for now, especially at 3 1/2yrs old. I think Caleb is definitely ready for some lessons and will thrive on the teacher interaction. But I think you have to be four so we will see what we can do in the New Year.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Christmas Photo Op!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Hmmm Where have we Been.....
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Eating the Cake!
Happy Birthday Abby!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Her First Giggle
Testing out the video link!
This is from June, Joshua's birthday. Darth Vader came to visit and it really left an impact on poor Caleb. All he has to hear is the Vader March and it sets him off. Hope this works!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
How can They be so Different!
Tonight we were getting things ready for Abby's birthday party on Monday. It is her birthday TODAY! She is officially 1 year old. I can't believe it was only a year ago we met her for the first time. I can remember the day still all to well...The painful parts are hard to forget! Abby was born at 6:25pm November 26, 2004. It was a Friday and she had me busy the whole day at the hospital. We were there just before 9am, and it felt like it took forever to get things rollin. We feel very blessed to have her in our family now.
Okay but back to tonight, the boys decided to help me make abby's birthday cake. They were super helpful! When it came time to clean up Caleb definitely took the cake...hee hee. He couldn't get enough of the batter.
Now Josh on the other hand....I think the sugar got to him. He kept leaving the kitchen to return in some unusual costumes....As you can see. Ryan and I have never laughed so hard. Gotta love him!