So nephew number 3 aka Jacob, Jakster, Jakey, the cob....apparently isn't so fond of me. He and his parents came over tonight and I kid you not every time I held him he SCREAMED! I tried every trick I knew and nothing, I finally passed him to his mom and in a matter of seconds he was calm and quiet. What is up with that? Obviously he needs more Auntie time, wouldn't you say...hee hee. I realize he loves his Mommy best but come on, every time I held him he was so NOT happy. I will be working on that one..... I must say though he is ADORABLE, and you can't help but love him to bits!!! Lets just pray he starts sleeping some, so his Mom and Dad can get a couple hours sleep in one night.
The good news is we played my new game that Ryan bought me for Christmas ticket 2 ride! It is so much fun you can play it online if you want to try it out at
www.ticket2ridegame.com ! Although Marc came close I managed to claim victory. Ryan was not so happy with my train paths but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do....
CHOO CHOOOOO!!!! Look out, here comes the train. The Kennedy express that is. I'm sure you're just holding off playing against me because you don't want to lose, that's fine, I'll let you practice.
oooo trash talking already...I love it! bring it on kennedy your trains are going down!
wow - i love that game. and i definitely admit to playing online by myself sometimes. Ok, often. Have fun with it!!
auntie i love you so much... you are the best auntie ever...just wait till i get over this fussiness and i will be all over cuddling!!!
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