Monday, May 29, 2006
A Man must have his Priorities!
Earlier in the day we were off to pick up Caleb from preschool. As a mom some of the best times and worst times with the kids are in the van driving. Today was a best times day! After we picked Caleb up we headed to the grocery store (where we had lots of worst times moments) on our ride there Josh was having some deep thoughts. He asked "Mom boys can't marry boys right" my reply "No they can't". "Why not?" josh asked, my reply "Well that would be kinda gross wouldn't it?" josh laughed and agreed! He then asked me "How did you decide you wanted to marry daddy?" I told him "because he was the one I loved my favorite boy." josh-"what do you love about him" I told him all the things I love about Ryan, "he is handsome, he is good at sports, he is really smart, he is kind and thoughtful, he loves going to church and most importantly he has Jesus in his heart!" The next thing that came out of Josh's mouth floored me "Well a Man has to have his priorities." I looked in the rear view mirror and I says "pardon" (in my best Champ impression) josh stated "Daddy had to have his priorities". I asked Josh "where did you hear that?" He then explained to me the reference came from a highly sophisticated show we let him watch...."Jimmy Neutron" it is a quote from Jimmy's dad "A man must have his priorities!"
I know you are all dying to know if I asked Josh if he has a favorite girl? Well you can rest easy I did and here is his reply "Hmmm well I want to marry someone I don't know, it will be a surprise."
the end!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Long Weekend laughs

We just returned from a weekend in Osoyoos, the desert of BC! Not so much this weekend. The weather was not so great, I think they saw more rain there this weekend then they do all year. But somehow I still managed to get a sun burn? Go figure! We went to Ryan's parents place at Paradise Park, with them, Ry's brother and wife Marc and Nat. Ryan's parents just purchased a boat so this was the christening of "sudden debt" in the water.
The boys despite the weather found time for a tube ride...and yes Ryan wore those bob the builder goggles the entire time:) It was so choppy we thought a couple times that they might bounce out. But thank goodness they didn't it would of been sooooo cold.
Abby loved her freedom andany moments of confinment sent her into a rebellion. She has had better weekends. Her sleeping habits were hmm well non existent. She had her own agenda and that was to roam the park freely, chase ducks and ride in the boat. Anything else just annoyed her!
We squeaked in a couple games. Settlers which I really should of one I just needed one more brick. And cities and knights....funny I can't remember who won that one. I must be in denial about it.
Our ride home was the most comical more because what else can you do but laugh when you are moving that slow! The first obstacle was a brown cow! Traffic came to a hault as people avoided the large cow.
The kids were entertained as they watched Jimmy can see by abby's face it was pretty intense. The other obstacles along the way were plain old traffic so it made for a longer trip. Normally it is about 4 hours it took us just over 5. But we are home safe and sound.

Monday, May 15, 2006
Thanks for a great day Ry!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Ice Ice Baby
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
cake it is

Note to Self...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Shop, Drop and Snore!
Well that was our weekend. Me and my sis feel pretty lucky to have husbands who appreciate our work at home so much...we are very blessed. I must give extra props to UNCLE DAVID, he was Mr. Mom for most of the weekend and had 5 kids for lots of the time. He will now be forever referred to as Super Uncle! Abby was with her Nana, for her own retreat. I know not very many dads would do this so willingly so I feel pretty honored that I have such an amazing Husband!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Do you know Abby's Bear?
We recieved this picture attached with a note that read:
Dear abby
If you want to see your bear again send 100 cookies to uncle david or else the bear gets it
the bearnapper

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Stanley Cup Playoffs
I will keep ya posted as to who will finally win the Douglas Stanley Cup!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A really fun Game!
Once you are on the website click on play, you have to get a password and user name but you can play for free, some people subscribe there are more options if you do, but you still can play if you don't!!
have fun!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Bad Blogger
We have had so much happen over the past few weeks! We had Caleb's birthday on April 18th I will put some pictures on. We had lots of fun "Caleb's Sports Bash" He had a bunch of his little friends over and they had to complete a variety of sporting events; balloon volleyball, basketball, dart throw, long jump, homerun derby, soccer shoot out and hockey slap shots! We had a great time. Pictures to come I have tried to download them three times and it seems to be having some issues.
In other news.....
Remember I mentioned the mouse....that problem seems to be resolved. No more sightings or any caught in our various traps. But on Caleb's birthday while we were in the front yard we had a snake slither by. One of the dad's Adam picked it up and all the kids were able to have an upclose and personal look at the snake...ewww. Then on Friday night Ryan noticed our neighbor had his truck facing our house lights on shining right at us. Hoping he wasn't going to run our home down Ryan popped his head out to see what was up. We were SHOCKED to discover we had a visit from bear. He was finishing off the rest of Caleb's birthday cake that had been thrown in the trash beside the house. This bear had just visited a couple of neighbors homes too, hence why our one neighbor followed him in his truck. The man in the truck got out and was throwing things at the bear which scared it and the bear took off into our backyard where he must of hopped the fence. So what is up? Sheesh maybe there was something to the less private neighborhood, this more private one gets the wilder visits. I will keep ya posted on the neighborhood bear!!