Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Two Odd Little Ducks....

This past Saturday was a busy day! We started our morning off with Soccer. If you are in need of a daily pick me up or just a good laugh you should really come watch. You never know what you may see and Josh, well he is what he is:) The highlight of the game was him deciding to be in goal (um at this age there are no goalies) but not only did he decide to take on this awesome responsibility he decided to be a goalie for the other team! Don't worry we still cheered him on. As you watch the kids run from one end of the field to the next in hopes of touching the ball even for a second you may start to wonder oh where is Josh? I can't really tell you where his mind is, but he typically can be found in the middle of the field hangin out! Like I said never fear the douglas are here for your comic relief!

But wait this isn't even the story that goes with my title "two odd little ducks"! I am referring to Caleb and his sidekick Connor! This week you could find the two of them chillin in the baseball diamond next to the soccer field. They were busy playing Buzz Lightyear! Ryan headed over to check on them and inquired as to what they were playing. Ryan was informed that they were playing Buzz Lightyear, so curious to know how they worked out the odvious conflict of who gets to be Buzz, ryan asked who they were! Now lets just think for a moment of a few of the characters from that movie, we have buzz, woody, zurg, jesse, bullseye even a dinorsaur for goodness sake! No our kids they had the best characters lined up!

We had Connor as Lil' Bopeep

And Caleb Jackson as Ham!

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