Tonight was date night at the douglas house! Josh and Ryan are off to a giants ga

me, and Caleb and me decided to go swimming. We brought Abby too, she was our third wheel:) We hustled our way over to the rec center which took me FOREVER! We had lots of phone calls, lots of missing bathing suits, lots of turtle like movements from Caleb but we finally managed to get ourselves in the van and on our way to the pool. By this time it was 7:15pm which is a wee bit late as bedtime is 7:30/8pm but a special date we can make exceptions right? We got to the pool and were at the front desk I paid and the man mentions "oh there is a birthday party here tonight for 8pm so it will probably get kinda loud in there, just so you know". I said "oh no problem thanks for the warning." We hustled on our way to the change room. Now I am not sure exactly where my thinking was at, but I did not bring a buggy for abby I carried her had Caleb by the hand and the bag over my shoulder. When we got to the change room it was a tad awkward but I managed to get everyone changed without letting her touch the ground(I have issues with pool floors eewwww)and she isn't' standing on her own so it would be her crawling around yuck even the thought. Finally we are in the pool everything seems great, it is a bit busy but it is Friday night. Lots of young teenagers around but still I didn't' think too much of it. The night was off to an exciting start as Caleb has been working through a variety stretching exercises and unique forms of pilates in order to grow faster to meet the height requirements for the green slide. Well guess what people, tonight was his night, all his hard work paid off he is officially TALL enough for the green slide. He rode that thing at least ten times, we swam, we jumped, we splashed it was all going excellent a bit crowded for my liking but still manageable. Until......
8:00 struck! Something odd began to change in the pool. I began looking around and the place was JAM packed full, but one of these things was not like the others, one of these things just did NOT belong....And yup it was me! 8o'clock hit and there were no more people found over the age of 16, and no one

younger then the age of 10, yet more people then you have ever seen in a pool. Oh but wait there is still MORE! the lights were turned down, a DJ started to blare some tunes and over 100 teenage girls began to scream. You would think after 10minutes or so into the event the screaming would stop but let me assure you it DID NOT! So me and my dates attempted to tough it out and not let this EVENT stand in the way of our swimming, we stuck to the baby pool. My head was pounding the music was HORRIBLE, my kids were LOVING it. I have Abby dancing to 50cents "take me to the candy shop" and Caleb cha cha chaing to black eyed peas "My humps". It was time to go! We gathered our things just as a life guard comes over to me and says " oh you picked the wrong night to come, fridays are not always like this but the third one of each month is teenager night" AHA, so to all you unsuspecting parents wanting to head over to the leisure center for a swim mark your calendars the third friday is
NOT the night to go!!!! Now our evening is still not over remember I mentioned I chose not to bring in a buggy, getting changed was an Olympic event but I promise you Abby did NOT touch the floor!!!
Classy music for a classy date! If only the topless lady was there... the evening would have been a total hit!!!!
Tawny, you had me laughing at your story telling.
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