It was really quiet in the house, I was in the kitchen getting supper ready and the kids (all three) were upstairs playing. I was so impressed at how well the three of them were playing together no fighting, screaming or car throwing(you would be surprised how painful it can be getting hit in the head from a flying hotwheel). After I had supper all ready to throw in the oven I began to worry....maybe a good thing wasn't so good after all. When I went upstairs I couldn't find them! I was calling their names and of course no answer. So I did my check, our bedroom, the bathrooms, abby's room-nope no kids. So still not hearing anything I wandered down to the boys bedroom where I found all three of them huddled around the radio, listening to a book on tape. It looked so cute! Even Abby sitting right in between her brothers listening to the story.
As I looked at Abby closer I noticed she had some new clothing on! Josh had decided to dress Abby up he put one of Caleb's vests on her. I have no idea how he managed to get her to sit still to put it on let alone zip it up but he managed. Of course by the time I got

I had to share this little moment with you all because I think it is the first time it has been quiet in the house with all three kids home and awake that hasn't ended in fire, flood or destruction!
You are the blog queen... I didn't know you could have two pics for one posting. Now I have to get my students to read silently while I figure this out!
you can actually do as many as you want, just keep adding them in! Or if you want to make collages and all that you can download Picasa and work from there.
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