We have had an eventful week at the Douglas household. On Friday Josh woke up looking pretty green so we had him stay in bed, an hour later he was looking pretty good and so off to school he went. Later that day he began to complain of a stomach ache and became more and more lethargic. I began to think here we go another bout of the flu. We went through the night with him waking up with a bad abdominal pains and gave him gravol to help, as we thought for sure he was going to be sick. He slept on and off and the next morning was in the same state. Around noon I was beginning to wonder why my son was still rolling around in pain clutching his tummy. We talked to our doctor who encouraged us to take him to the hospital. And off we went to Maple Ridge Hospital. My first choice was Children's but the traffic on Saturday was insane and it would of taken us hours to get there and given the pain poor Josh was in we went to the closest place for help. We arrived in emergency and saw a doctor he figured Josh just needed to go the bathroom, but took an xray just in case. After the xray came back he did not get the results he had hoped and thus opening a whole spectrum of possible problems. The poking and prodding began with many needles, scans and tests. This leading to a pediatrician Dr. Hewes now managing our case. After no conclusive results still a surgeon was now being consulted for his expertise and we were being admitted to the peds ward in hopes to help with the pain. Josh needed demerol to manage the pain he was in.

Appendicitis, Constipation, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, mononucleosis, Irritable bowel syndrome, and giardiasis intussusception (telescoping of part of the intestine into another part) were some of the illnesses being tested for, there were even more these were just a few.
We ended up being in the hospital from Saturday to Wednesday on Wednesday we were able to come home but still no answer to the mystery of what is causing the pain.
Josh is still having some abdominal pain but not as bad as before. We are waiting for him to go to the bathroom and hopefully once this occurs we will know more about what has caused this. Unfortunately the doctor has said we may never know the answer to this mystery. Josh is still working on increasing his appetite and getting consecutive hours of sleep. He is pretty pale and really sick and tired of taking medicine.
Thank you for your prayers and support!