Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Time to go to the Dentist!

On Friday Abby had her VERY first dentist appointment. I was a bit worried as to how she would react but impressed me and the dentist with how cooperative she was.

She brought along one of her best bears, (for those who don't know Abby has two cherished bears named Abby and Emmy) who also got a checkup by Abby herself with the dentist assisting.

This dentist is the best place ever it has trains that run along tracks just below the ceiling, as well as a great play area right beside the dentist chair so that while your child is waiting they can play to their hearts content.

Josh was a great patient as well he was getting sealants (sp) put on his new back molars. Caleb was along for the ride he and Josh had been the week before and both are cavity free!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Abby's first visit to the dentist! wow! I thought they had to be 3? Or is Abby close enough? or maybe your dentist is different...
Keep thinking about you getting your puppy soon. I told Chris the story and he said that he'll probably surprise me one day with one...Fun times.
Miss you, say hi to everyone!