Thursday, September 28, 2006


I was just reading Cara Lee and David's blog and admiring the cute pics of Emily and Abby! While the girls are at Cara Lee's they have cute little teaparties, dress up in princess costumes, wear jewlery.... it made me think back to my kodak moment of the girls today at my house!!! The only sad thing is I dont have the actual picture to show, so I will have to paint one for you!
It all started today All four boys are at school, so me and Cara Lee thought what a great time to sit down and have the girls play while we chat. It started out great! Emily was all excited to go upstairs and play with Abby so the two ventured on their own to the top floor of the house. Great time for us! We heard a couple squawks, nothing too major, BUT then a loud thump followed by a wail from Abby! I figured I better go check, I hopped up began to climb the stairs as I reach the final two steps I take in a deep breath glance around me and all I can see is brown marks on the floor accompanied by the most obnoxious aroma!!! Of course I scream! And yell to my sister I think Emily just pooed all over the floor(she is the middle of potty training so was roaming around kinda free).....Oh wait though it gets worse.... remember I haven't seen the girls yet. As I dodge the brown markings on the carpet I hop skip and jump towards my bedroom, to find two girls one looking sweet, cute with blonde little ringlets the other looking sweet, cute, but naked with brown rubbings all over her legs and belly! I love my neice sooo much but unfortunately at this particular moment all I could do is run the other way and try not to toss my cookies. After a few good deep breaths of fresh air found only at the nearest window, I was able to tackle the situation at hand! Cara Lee grabbed Emily threw her in the bath, while Abby commentated ewwww, gwosss, ucky, ewwwww, neenky throughout the entire clean up process! Well needless to say all is clean here at the douglas household once again!
The best thing was telling our germ-a-phobic son what had gone on while he was at school.....Oh man now you can just begin to imagine that me it was pricless!!!!


Anonymous said...


Cara Lee gets the tea parties and you get poo!


Anonymous said...

Tawny, you need to look up Charlenes post on poo and wipes and find out your poop-o-meter setting . Ask DK about his poop story with our friends Daughet Teesha.