I just can't believe it was six years ago that we met Josh for the first time. That is just crazy. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun. This year we are holding a video game madness party for our eldest son. Which I am realizing I am putting off all the details as I sit here and blog....guess I better go get busy. But in honor of Josh here are some of his career highlights thus far:
Freaking us all out at his birth with a dropping heart rate...we had every specialist you can imagine in the room!
his love for dinosaurs...I think he could name them all by the age of 2
rattling off majority of the Canucks at 18 months
insisiting they name his cousin Aladar aka Connor
Eating Dog Poo at the Park
His Muppet sounding voice
his crazyiness for cold water...any water
downing 5 gummy worms in less then 30seconds
saying goodbye to his sue-sue by throwing it in the fraser river
making potions with his cousin
Gee this list could go on and on...Feel free to add some of your favorite Josh highlights in the comments:)
maybe being GERM-OBSESSED!
Definitely his goal on the last day of the soccer season. I'm pretty sure all of Maple Ridge heard the celebrations.
Who can forget MINES!
Or, "That's a BAD CHOICE!"
And one of my favourites was his uncontrollable laughter on his first birthday when we put him and David in the makeshift ballpit in his playpen.
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