Saturday April 1st was not only Auntie Natalie's 27th birthday it was Josh's Wee College Graduation. A cap and gown event! Josh has successfully completed his second year of wee college this year he learned all the divisions of the bible, books of the bible, Psalm 23, 14 memory verses which he really can tell you and 17 stories from the bible! The program is amazing but what is even more amazing is how the kids take it right in and learn it for life!!

The ceremony began with the 50+ students (3 groups freshman, sophomore, graduates) marching in to the tune of "pomp and circumstance" they filled the stage and continued to sing a few of their theme songs for Wee College. After the large group performed they proceeded to do individual class highlights. The sophomore class which Josh was in, demonstrated their knowledge of the books and divisions of the bible. Josh said the blue division minor prophets and one of the memory verses he learned Acts 1:8. The entire group also recited Psalm 23.

They ended the ceremony with the children passing through the arch way moving onto to their next class or being recognized for completing the whole wee college course. There was a lunch afterward for family and friends to enjoy with the college grads! Basically tons of kids running around from the high of sugar from eating one too many cupcakes.

When asked Josh stated his favorite part of the whole event was when he had the microphone and said his verse and blue books.
1 comment:
Who's the creepy kid posing with Joshie? He looks about as photogenic as his dad. :)
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