Our angelic little PRINCESS, Abby! Hmmm can you really use Angelic and Princess and Abby all in the same sentence. Um ya but only when she is sleeping. All my life I would hear about the "Terrible Two's" yet I have not experienced it. I think two year olds are great, it is one year olds that seem to take the cake here, or really they take, grab, eat, break anything they can get their hands on! I think the thing is two year olds start to understand that when the parent says NO they mean NO, the one year old is all about learning what this means. And trust me Abby is learning! Let me shed some light into Abby's World. Just in the past week she has accomplished all of the following:
Thursday: While playing outside with the three kids, we began a big soccer game. Mom vs the Rangers (Josh and Caleb). As we kicked the ball to and fro Abby ran around us and cheered, screamed and just walked about everywhere. As I was going in for my big GOAL! I realized oh my where is abby (don't' worry I kicked the ball and scored first) I glanced around checking all of her usual destinations, the garage, the porch and nothing. I then began to run over to a path right next to us to see if she had wandered but thinking it has been about 30 seconds how far could she really get? Josh had his nervous laughter going on, suggesting to me she ran down the street as I began to shout her name a bit more forcefully, Josh and Caleb both started laughing I turn and there is our angelic little Abby on our neighbors porch just running back and forth watching us!
Thursday night: I went into my bathroom at 9pm to discover an empty bottle of children's chewable tylenol on the floor. Knowing there were at least 5 tablets left I freaked! Ran into Abby's room yet she seemed fine....Thinking back I recall a pink beard on her but we thought she got a candy that had been on the floor in the kitchen. Poison control assured me that at abby's age and weight she would have to eat 13 for them to even be worried. She had a really great sleep that night!
Friday: I was telling my mom about her adventures (I am sure there are more that I am now blocking out). So Mom begins to tell me yes I know exactly what you mean After I few good swigs of chocolate sauce she got out of the cupboard she then decorated the floor at grandma's with the sauce! Better there than here though hee hee hee.
Saturday and Sunday were good she spent a good chunk of the day with her Aunt on one and her grandma on the other! But as we now know it doesn't mean nothing happened it just means that one of those two had to clean it up!
Monday: Abby found the bag of jelly beans...but of course only the black ones were left cause who likes black jelly beans.....let me tell you ABBY! She chewed, ate, who knows what else the remaining beans which left a beautiful black trail everywhere she traveled. The good news is after getting into the jellybeans she got into a almost empty bottle of tilex and dumped it on her clothes which actually prevented staining!
Tuesday: I was giving her a bath and she demonstrated her diving skills. She is sitting up and then POW she throws her body back goes under water completely, does a side roll and comes up laughing waiting for you to cheer! After I start breathing again I was able to show excitement, but more for the fact that she was still alive! Of course she does it over and over again!
So that is a week in the life of a one year old. Are you still thinking Angelic and Princess are the best words to describe Abby?