We finally made it to the studio today. Our call time was 1pm. And holding true to the filming caos we sat and waited for 5 hours to do 1.5 hours of work. We arrived hung out for a bit then Josh had his first experience with hair and makeup. I have never seen anyone look more awkward in my life getting their nose powdered you would of thought they were pulling teeth. His hair was a bit better he ended up getting a trim which was great a day of work and a haircut who could ask for better multi tasking! Then back to the set where we hung out. As you can see in the pictures it is quite the set. Very colorful and fun, all the kids played together and that made the time go by extremely fast. Finally just before 6pm it was time for

wardrobe all the kids got on their outfits and had a touch up of hair and makeup and were sent to do there diddy. Of course they changed the whole routine on the spot which made it a bit confusing for Josh. Now do you remember reading about Josh have you all been able to get a bit of a grasp on his personality...cause their is a whole lot of it and trust me a WHOLE lot of it came out today. They practiced t

he number a couple times and decided to role film. Meanwhile I do NOT know where Josh was, yes we could see him physically standing there but his head was somewhere else. He found every known distraction to man on that stage. The poor boy beside him was asked to help Josh, I think little Johnny now has an ulcer. As I stand behind the lights and cameras I am watching this poor 10 year old boy point Josh to his spot, tell josh to keep his hat on his head, remind him march and so forth all while trying to do his routine and smile. Josh had about every facial expression humanly possible covered in the first five minutes of filming. But the moment that took the cake was when Odessa the choreographer had to come and get me to explain to Josh that it was ok to hold hands with the other kids that there germs were ok! Ya that is right GERM JOSH is back. At this particular moment he was in full force GERM FREAK! You will be able to see on the video I took of them practicing that the kids hold hands and do a ring around the rosy kinda deal. Well once the camera was rolling, Josh decided he wouldn'

t hold hands with the kids unless his hands were tucked in his sweat shirt. All you see is two kids grab his sleeves in desperation to complete the task at hand. I of course am on the side lines chewing my fingers off, started with my nails but there is nothing left at this point. It feels like all the directors, camera guys and wrangler are upset or frustrated but when the scene cuts I have people coming up to me telling me how hilarious he is. So I guess they all understand. He had everyone in stitches cause you just never know what he would do next. We took a little break and the kids did a conga line which he was successful with thank goodness and one other routine which he did great too. Movie comes out in May 2006 "little man" Waynan brothers film. Josh's scene will be on the tv within the movie, a Barney type video D-Rex! I will be completely surprised if he is seen at all, he had a serious case of Sillys going on. What an experience. All in all I think he had fun, he said he is done dancing for awhile though. Lets just hope this hand washing germ thing fades soon!!!