This is where we stayed.
The condo we stayed in was very nice, but the best part of it was the ocean right out our window. It was right on the water, so every morning and evening we spent most of our time on the balcony watching surfers, beach volleyball and the waves.
our view from the condo.
our view out on the pier.
all those black dots are surfers.
Now the downside to the condo! Yes we had the beautiful view of the ocean but along with the beautiful view of the ocean came a not so beautiful view of a homeless man. This homeless man with a baby buggy strolled all around the beach, we only got to see him on what was apparently cleaning days. The public washroom was very close to us and a shower to rinse of sand, do you see where I am going with this? My mom had warned us, but really nothing prepared me for what I was about to see. I think it was around lunch time and I was eating my sandwich out on the deck noticed the homeless man sitting at one of the tables. As I looked closer I s
There was one more oddity about the condo. We were upstairs which was great never heard a thing from any of the neighbors, but oh my goodness you should of seen one of the neighbors. This guy was so strange. Mom warned us about him too, but again nothing truly could of prepared me for what I saw. Now we were above this man, so often when we were sitting out on the balcony he was below but we could not see him, we could only see the strange look on every ones faces as they would walk by. Let me tell you why their faces looked so strange. Everyday from about noon on this guy, currently named Cheech compliments of my dad, would sit out on his deck and soak up the rays. Doesn't sound to odd does it? Here is the catch, he would sit out there with his accessories which consisted of bubbles, windmill, whistle a
nd those really large sunglasses that big bird wears on sesame street. Do you have a picture yet? Every time someone would walk by and if he was pleased with them he would whistle with his train whistle, if he was not pleased with you he may yell out some nasty word. We haven't figured out what made him choose yet, but once when I walked by I didn't' get the whistle!! He seemed to favor animals and occasionally we would hear him bark at the dogs walking by. He gave us many hours of entertainment. I didn't get a great picture of him as I think that I lost whistle privileges after I attempted to snap this one of him.
We had a wonderful time and I am so thankful for the chance to go away with my mom and sis. This was a surprise gift from Ryan with a little help from my mom and dad. He became Mr. Mom, while I was away, maintaining the house, his job, the kids busy schedules and even making Avon deliveries for me!
On the last day Cara Lee decided we needed to do something adventurous so we rented a cobi bike, it is a seven seater bicycle. It was indeed adventurous, I attempted to video us for full action footage, and it turned out to be a great way to see where we were!!! 
wow! I didn't know you were gone a week! I thought a weekend! Nice!
I am sure I saw one of those bikes on Amazing Race a few seasons back. It sure looks like fun!
Looks like you all had too much FUN!
Tawny, I'm stunned that you didn't get "car" sick sitting backwards like that.
I'm so happy to hear you guys had a fabulous time.
Welcome home!
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