Finally he has arrived!!! Jacob Marc Douglas was born November 11 at 1:34am!!!! He weighed in at 7lbs 6oz, 21in! He is OH SO cute! Natalie and Marc are both beaming and our super proud of their new addition to their family. So far he is the quietest baby I have ever heard, just peaceful and content with being in his mommy's arms!

We took our kids today to meet their baby cousin and they loved him instantly. Especially Abby, she was ready to push me and Natalie out of the way and take over! This two year old is pretty excited to have her own baby! Good thing her Auntie is good at sharing...hee hee. It is amazing to see the difference between boys and girls! Abby was ready to hold him snuggle and kiss him content to sit for as long as we would let her, the entire time pushing my arm away from baby Jacob wanting to do it all by herself, she kinda figured out that I was actually holding him.

Caleb held him next while Abby cried in disbelief that she had to share her new little cousin. Caleb lasted about a minute and was ready to pass him off to Josh.

Josh sat and co-held his cuz for a whopping minute and a half, and then suggested that his sister do the holding. Unfortunately we aren't as good at sharing as Auntie Nat Ry and I wanted a turn to hold the little guy!
We had a great visit with Jacob and left a very tired mommy, daddy and baby to get some sleep!
Good Job Auntie and Unlce, we LOVE our new Cousin Jacob!!!